Empowering Madison Youth to Succeed
Bruce Murray, EMYS Director
5738 US Hwy 25/70
Marshall, NC 28753
828-649-9276 Ext. 10124
Empowering Madison Youth to Succeed (EMYS) is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing students with a supportive community, helping them stay in school and succeed in life. Each year, our programs include elementary school math tutoring, after-school tutoring and activities at Madison Middle, tutoring and mentoring for Madison Middle, High School, and Early College High School students, along with a transition program for rising 6th grade students entering middle school. Our program receives funding from state and federal grants, the Madison County School system, donations from local individuals, businesses, and Churches. EMYS significantly impacts the lives of students in Madison County and invites community members to contribute their time or resources to this valuable mission of improving our students' knowledge, experiences, and confidence as they prepare for life.