Lisa Gahagan, Assistant Superintendent
5738 US Highway 25/70
Marshall, NC 28753
Phone: 828-649-9276 Ext. 10105
The Madison County Public School system is made up of 6 schools with approximately 2,100 students. There is one high school, one middle school and three elementary schools. We also have an Early College High School Program.
The success of the Madison County Public School System is directly related to the quality of our employees. We currently employ approximately 330 certified and non-certified employees. Madison County Schools offers employees an excellent place to work.
Employment Opportunities
Equal Opportunity Employer
Madison County Schools does not discriminate in its policies and programs on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, handicap, national origin, or ancestry.
To view the current employment vacancies, please click on the link below, then look at the listing of categories on the left and choose the appropriate category.
Educator's Licensure
Visit NC DPI Licensure for a self-service licensure system to update your educator's license information.
You may apply for your initial educator's license, add area(s) by program completion or 24 semester hours, add experience, request a name change and view/print a copy of your license.
NCDPI Licensure Renewal CEU Information LinkNCDPI Updated Licensure Renewal and Reinstatement Requirements 2024.
Grades K-5
Student Services Personnel
Grades 6-12
Activities Accepted for Renewal Credit
College or university courses, official transcripts are required as documentation.
Local in-service courses or workshops approved by LEA
North Carolina Lifetime License
The State Board of Education shall issue a lifetime license, which shall require no renewal, to an individual currently licensed as a professional educator who has met at least one of the following criteria:
- Completed at least 30 or more years of creditable service with the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System.
- Completed a combined total of 30 or more years of employment as a licensed teacher, administrator, or student services personnel in one or more public school units in North Carolina.
Applying for a Lifetime License
Applicants should wait until the end of their renewal cycle to apply. Apply as normal for a license renewal by uploading (to your renewal application) a copy of the following:
- A portable document format (PDF) of Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System (TSERS) documentation to show 30 or more years of creditable service.
- Statement requesting the Lifetime License.