Deanna Ponder, Transportation Director
241 Derringer Drive
Marshall, NC 28753
The Madison County Board of Education recognizes the importance of safe and orderly buses during their routes to and from school. School bus transportation is a privilege, not a right. The transportation of any pupil is subject to the compliance with the lawful rules and regulations adopted by the school board. A student will be subject to disciplinary action for those violations within this policy and those covered by Policy 212 (Serious Misconduct). Minor offenses will merit a warning, and repeated minor offenses and/or major offenses will result in bus suspension, parent notification, and possible removal form the bus for an extended period of time.
Discipline for exceptional children will follow state and federal guidelines.
Passengers may be suspended from riding the bus and/or school, at the discretion of the principal and/or bus designee for:
Minor Offenses
- Failure to keep the bus clean
- Loud and boisterous talking
- Disruptive and inappropriate behavior
- Refusing to meet the bus on time and delaying the bus schedule
- Failure to remain in their seat while the bus is in motion.
- Spitting on the bus
- Other improper behavior
- Inappropriate language
- Distracting the driver's attention while the bus is in operation.
1st Offense - The parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian will be contacted, and student may be assigned to a seat.
Madison High School will give a blanket verbal warning.
2nd Offense - A conference may be required, and the students may be suspended from riding the bus for:
Grades K-5 one to three (1-3) days
Grades 6-8 one to three (1-3) days
Grades 9-12 for three (3) days.
When the student is permitted to ride the bus again, they may be assigned to a seat for a period of time or indefinitely.
3rd Offense - A conference may be required, and the student may be suspended from riding the bus for:
Grades K-5 one to five (1-5) days
Grades 6-8 three to five (3-5) days
Grades 9-12 for five (5) days.
When the student is permitted to ride the bus again, they may be assigned to a seat for a period of time or indefinitely.
4th Offense - Parents will be contacted
5th Offense - Bus board convened at school of the student.
NOTE: The above list may not cover all possible violations. Similar offenses shall be categorized major or minor and handled in the manner that they occur. Other forms of punishment may be suggested and followed through by the principal and/or bus designee.
Major Offenses
- Using or being under the influence of or having in their possession alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs.
- Vandalism of the bus and bus property.
- Bullying and any form of harassment as stated in the North Carolina Statute.
- Throwing items out of the school bus windows.
- Possession of tobacco or any form of tobacco products on the bus.
- Use or possession of any form of weapon.
- Verbal or physical abuse to other students or bus driver.
- Indecent, abusive, or loud language.
- Fighting on the bus or at bus stop.
- Tampering with any part of the bus, including emergency exits.
- Having hands, arms, legs, and/or head out of the bus window.
- Not sitting in assigned seats.
- Playing, throwing objects, or otherwise distracting the driver's attention while the bus is in operation.
- Excessive display of affection.
- Unauthorized leaving of bus when in route.
- Refusal to adhere to a reasonable request of a bus driver.
- Failure to observe established safety rules and regulations required by North Carolina law or policy by Madison County Board of Education.
- Spitting on other students.
1st Offense - A conference may be required, and the student may be suspended from riding the for for:
Grades K-5 one to three (1-3) days
Grades 6-12 five (5) days
When the student is permitted to ride the bus again, they may be assigned to a seat for a period of time or indefinitely.
2nd Offense - A conference may be required, and the student may be suspended from riding the bus for:
Grades K-5 one to five (1-5) days
Grades 6-12 ten (10) days
When the student is permitted to ride the bus again, they may be assigned to a seat for a period of time or indefinitely.
3rd Offense - The student will not be allowed to ride the bus for the remainder of the school year.
K-8 bus board hearing
Other Bus Regulations
- A student is subject to all school rules while riding on the school bus, after school bus, activity bus, or other vehicle being transported to and from school, athletic events, or any school sponsored event.
- The driver of the school bus is subject to the direction of the principal, has the authority over and responsibility for, the operation of the bus and maintenance of good order and conduct. The student is to obey the driver.
- The bus driver may assign seating for a student or students while they are riding on a school bus.
- Bus conduct reports and discipline actions are cumulative for the school year.